Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Muslim Demographics

ISIS had threaten to send 500,000 Muslim migrants asylum seekeerts to Europe as a ‘weapon’. ISIS militants plan to cement their control of Libya while also crossing the Mediterranean into Europe disguised as refugees.

ISIS spokesman said: ‘The Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons. Those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed,’ the spokesman said. He also said anyone refusing to convert will be killed. ‘150 million, 200 million or 500 million, it does not matter to us, we will kill them all.'

Miracle of Salvation Ministries International, Inc. Praising God at Evangelistic Outreach Ministries in Kapkateny, Kenya.

Praising God at Evangelistic Outreach Ministries in Kapkateny, Kenya.
Posted by Miracle of Salvation Ministries International, Inc. on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Praising God at Evangelistic Outreach Ministries in Kapkateny, Kenya.
Posted by Miracle of Salvation Ministries International, Inc. on Wednesday, August 12, 2015