Sunday, April 26, 2015

BLOOD MOON UPDATE! Mark Biltz on Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups!


Mark Biltz on Freedom Friday

with Carl Gallups!

Redemption Apostolic Network: Redemption Apostolic Network | Apostolic | Prophet...

Redemption Apostolic Network: Redemption Apostolic Network | Apostolic | Prophet...: Redemption Apostolic Network | Apostolic | Prophetic | Evangelism | Teaching | Training | RAIN: REPENTANCE! by Leonard Ravenhill (FULL)

The Prophet Agubus = a New Testament Prophet Warned!

Greetings Beloved,

About a year ago the Lord was speaking to us about laying up food provision for the end of all things of this age at hand. Clearly we are into the birth pangs that bring the return of Jesus in Glory to sit on His Throne of Glory in Jerucsalem...

a year ago the Lord was impressing some of these things upon us but we had no clear direction of going forward although the Spirit of the Lord labored with us to contemplate many issues about the end of days that are upon us.

Once again recently we have been impressed with the prophet agaubus for many days. The thing about prophet agubus was that he receieved from the Lord a revelation of a 'dirth' - a famine coming. The prophet went and WARNED THE CHURCHES in the different localities to this revelation and warning from the Lord.....

The Lords people beleived the prophet and set a plan and started to lay up against that day.....

the provision against that day was made...

when the dirth (famine) hit the CHURCH was already prepared and they were not damaged by the famine but were able to not only care for their own but to care also for the other churches that were in the hardest hit areas....

Brethren, dirth(s) are coming, famines are coming.....ask the Lord what we should do.....ask the Lord what you should do!

The 'primitive church' LAID UP PROVISION and then sent it to the churches by the hands of the elders to the hands of the elders

Let us be as effective as those 'primitive churches'

Be Blessed

apostle Rich

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Why Revival Tarries by Henry Blackaby - Part 2

Why Revival Tarries by Henry Blackaby - Part 2
REVIVAL.=  any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God